Thursday, May 16, 2019

Because You Can

So I write a lot and about 90% I don't share and about 10% I do. Today I was just having those thoughts I wanted to share. I've spent a good amount of time working on my interior dialogue and who I want to be as a person. I think I'm right where I need to be with myself and being comfortable in my own skin. (but as always, I am open for room to improve when I can) Once you get to that point, I think it's important to share what you can with the world. There's a lot of narcissism and bullying and whatnot on social media as well is in real life. I challenge us all to be different. Be the person who lends a helping hand. Set aside judgement and be a listener to someone who needs it. Go the extra mile and don't ask for credit for it or accolades. Just be a good human.

 Because you can. 

Ask someone what you can do to help. Be there for someone without them having to ask. Step up to the plate, be willing, be open, stand up for someone, quietly support a struggle, just BE THERE AND BE A REAL HUMAN UNDERSTANDING PERSON. Encourage someone to say their truth out loud and then stand back and embrace it without judgement or criticism, just support. Drive that person to the airport who needs a ride. Take someone's child for the day to give them a little break. Bake it, make it, buy it, bring it to someone who absolutely needs it and is unable to reach out and tell you they are in need. Make an extra trip, go out of your way, take on an another task because someone's life is made better by you doing so. Life is hard, motherhood is hard, parenting is hard, work is hard, adult-ing is hard, human-ing is hard. Be that person who makes it easy. Because life can also be great.

Because you can.

***Feel free to share this. But in this case make sure you give me the credit. I am a writer after all.