Tuesday, September 10, 2019

First Week Of School With A Kindergartener

It goes something like this....
Day 2:
First phone call from school today. 

Mrs. Sullivan: Hi, nothing's wrong, but Nicholas is insisting that he is getting hot lunch today. He's very concerned that it's cheeseburger day and he doesn't have a lunch card yet. By the way, it's not cheeseburger day. And I notice he has a full packed lunch with a sandwich. Just checking. (laughing as she tells me all this)
Me: Yes, he has a lunch and is not getting hot lunch today.
Mrs. Sullivan: Ok 'll let him know he needs to eat his packed lunch. (Pause) He is really crazy for cheeseburgers! 
Me: Oh Nicholas....
Mrs. Sullivan: Just in case, cheeseburger day for lunch is tomorrow. (still laughing)

****Updated at 1pm
Nicholas as he’s walking off the bus: Why didn’t I get to have a cheeseburger for lunch? It was on the menu!
Me: Hi how was your day?
Nicholas: I’m not telling you because you wouldn’t let me get a cheeseburger. 
Me: you had a lunch and today was not cheeseburger day.
Nicholas: Well that’s gyp. Someone needs to get yelled at about that.

****Tomorrow he will be able to participate in cheeseburger hot lunch for anyone concerned.